Sales representatives serve as a bridge between customers and production personnel. The amount of expertise is an important factor in solving customer needs. Qingdao Guanshan Industrial Co., Ltd. regularly trains the sales customer service department to help sales representatives enter the production workshop and communicate with production workers.Continue Reading
We have detailed the MSDS performance of the rubber raw materials that can be produced, and produced the corresponding MSDS files. If you want to get specific information, please contact us.Continue Reading
In order to give you a better understanding of our equipment and production process, we took some short videos at the production workshop. You can get the video play address through the workshop page. The video is not particularly clear due to factors such as shooting equipment and shooting time. If you have the opportunity...Continue Reading
2018 catalog released today! In this catalog, you will learn about our market strategy , OEM/ODM experience, production capacity and quality control system. At the same time, we wanna show you some of the rubber products we have produced according to the industry. Please send us email or submit the contact form in contact page.Continue Reading